


THE SOCIAL, ECONOMIC AND MARKET SCENARIO IN THE CAR REPAIR SECTOR is affecting the competitiveness of multi-brand garages in the Basque Country, with a significant turnover loss and fading business fabric. On the other hand, there is a strong demand from the sector to hire increasingly specialised personnel prepared to address the latest market trends in terms of technological breakthrough, using new technologies and applying new concepts, with Vocational Training being the main source of trained personnel to perform tasks in repair workshops. The sector is immersed in a much-needed stage of transformation as a result of changes in consumer market preferences, the impact of the 4.0 revolution and protectionist strategies used by the brands towards their associated workshops.

San Viator, a Vocational Training Centre (VET) located in Sopuerta (Bizkaia), has been led the CAR KONPON project in collaboration with the circular economy consultancy, ECONIA. TKNIKA, ZICLA, and vocational training centres such as DON BOSCO, MEKA, ARETXABALETA and IURRETA also participated in the project, as well as sector associations, BAT and AEGA.

  • Bring together the automotive service workshop sector, the vocational training sector and technological innovation to mobilise and prepare multibrand workshop which have a trailblazing effect on the sector, through the design of a roadmap.
  • Test and implement a set of techniques and technologies aligned with the principles of the circular economy.
  • Offer standardised work protocols to the sector to act as an incentive and preparation for the rest of the garages and workshops and thus, improve the actual competitive edge of the multi-brand repair workshops in the Basque Country.
  • CAR KONPON has successfully developed (including selection, research, development and piloting) a set of techniques based on complex advanced repairs and has mobilised a number of companies in the multi-brand workshop sector.
  • A snapshot report of the multi-brand repair sector in the Basque Country was produced.
  • Technical action plans for 5 strategic lines of advanced automotive repair have been piloted together with the workshops, which already have them.
  • Technical documentation describing advanced repairs of the 5 lines for distribution to all multi-brand workshops in the Basque Country.
  • Creation of a line of knowledge transfer between different players in the value chain.
  • Implementation of the 5 lines which would cut emissions by approximately 1,000 tonnes of CO2e.
  • CAR KONPON will transfer the technical knowledge obtained by publishing a document containing the five advanced repairs and disseminating it to all automotive vocational training centres in the Basque Country, to multi-brand workshops and to associated companies.
  • Advanced repairs will be included in classroom activities and the portfolio of advanced repairs/remanufacturing in vocational training centres will also be extended according to the project methodology to become a long-lasting and sustained strategy.