Electrical and electronic equipment



EKASA DIVERSIFICACIÓN IS PART OF THE RETABET GROUP of companies which the only company in the sector in Spain that integrates all the processes related to betting operations, including the design and manufacture of its own betting terminals. This gives the company a unique added value in the sector, where there is no initiative or activity published with an environmental approach to the design of betting terminals.

EKASA DIVERSIFICACION leads the RETA ECO project, in which several companies have participated: ADN DESIGN for eco-design and development of terminals; iEXCE for production and assembly; AVACON with electrical development; and G6 POLIURETANOS TECNICOS for the supply of plastic parts.

  • Analyse, assess and implement the environmental and commercial benefits derived from a new eco-designed betting terminal following the guidelines of the UNE EN ISO 14044:2006 and 14006 standards: 2011.
  • The LCA of the current terminal has identified the production phases of parts and components and the use phase as the most relevant in terms of environmental impact. In the first phase, the electronic elements stand out with a contribution of over 90% to the impacts of this phase; in the second phase, energy consumption accounts for 49% of the total impacts, and this is the greatest contributor to the product’s environmental footprint.
  • A prototype developed and built was manufactured with an impact reduction compared to the RETA INICIAL terminal between 0.4% and 3.4% depending on the impact category.
  • Reduction of 5.43 kg (3.4% of the total) of the total weight of the terminal.
  • Savings of 7 tonnes of raw materials per year and a 10% reduction in unit cost.
  • The estimated life cycle of 10 years for the terminals has not yet been reached, so full knowledge of the system is being enriched by the analysis of the first generation of terminals installed and in use.
  • The measures adopted do not increase the production cost of the terminal, and therefore, their implementation can be easily integrated into new product proposals. For example, they have been prominently incorporated in the most recently developed terminal, the RETA ECO 5 EVO.
  • RETA ECO represents an important differentiation factor for the company, as none of its competitors have launched a similar improvement initiative. The RETA ECO terminal has therefore reinforced the company’s leading position in the sector and its environmental commitment.
  • The company is currently developing protocols to improve end-of-life management of older terminals that are nearing the end of their expected life cycle.