Electrical and electronic equipment



PRODUCTS IMPROVING PEOPLE’S QUALITY OF LIFE BY RAISING AWARENESS OF NOISE ISSUES must be environmentally friendly and their design in line with European targets for Waste Electrical and Electronic Equipment (WEEE) recovery and recycling. Noisense is a high-performance device created and marketed by NOISMART, a technology-based company specialising in noise control. This sonograph indicates when there is more noise than there should be, making noise “visible”. It can also be used to detect noise pollution levels, creating data collection networks (IoT) and analysing data (Big Data).

To develop ECONOISENSE, NOISMART has worked with the GAIKER Technology Centre, BIZINTEK engineering and the MUKA DESIGN LAB design studio.

  • Eco-design, manufacture, validate and certify a new sonograph of the Noisense family for indoor and outdoor environmental noise measurement.
  • Create noise data collection networks (outdoors) with which to understand noise pollution at a site.
  • Monitor noise and raise awareness of noise pollution in different environments.
  • Anticipate demand for products with lower environmental impact and facilitate the dissemination of the environmental benefits of new devices through green marketing.
  • Removal of unnecessary materials, optimisation of the number of components, and unification of housing and packaging materials.
  • Optimisation production and assembly processes, reducing size and weight of both the device and packaging; and easy disassembly of housing and components.
  • Manufacture of the Noisense Advanced prototype with a redesign that takes full advantage of the electronic components used in Noisense Basic. One prototype has been made with an electret microphone and another with a digital microphone, with the result that the latter is more sensitive to noise variations, reaching a reduced value of 55 dBA.
  • The new device is suitable for outdoor use as long as housing designs are specified.
  • Self-certification of the prototype to be completed in the future with CE marking in independent laboratories.
  • ECONOISENSE has allowed an estimate of the production costs of the eco-designed devices and contributed to a decision to start a manufacturing process with production of a pre-series of 50 units.
  • The brand name of the eco-designed equipment produced through this project will be ECONOISENSE.